Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fussy boy

Is he spoiled ALREADY? I just didn't see how he could be. For the previous 4 days he fussed and was so unhappy unless he was nursing or being held. He wouldn't even sleep well without being held.
Then the night before last I noticed that he was gagging quite a bit -- I see, he caught his sister's cold. So, I'm hoping it's just a little cold that's making him fussy. Last night he slept well, so hopefully he's feeling better (it's a cliche, but 'it's so hard to tell with babies' how they feel or what's wrong).

He's been breaking out. Dd#2 is tracking what I eat to see if it's something in his system that I'm doing. Dd#1, as an infant, would break out when I drank Orange Juice. Everyone says it's 'baby acne'. He's not as cute this week as he was last week -- but he's cute, anyhow!

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