Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bath Boy

He's talking so much! BATH was his first word last week. Followed within a week by DADDY. (Daddy gives him a bath every night). He giggles and says "BRRRR" in his bath -- he's sooo happy in his bath!

Bath Boy (pics)

" A frog in the mouth is worth two in the tub."

Splashing is so fun.

Time to let the water out! BRRRRR

Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Quote of the Day

I like the dog better than the baby.

He didn't say it in a mean way, just conversation. I heartily DISagree, but I'm not an 8 year old brother.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's coming! It's coming!!

Dave and I have chosen our individual commitments for the fast. We're discussing increased family prayer. I think even our girls are going to find a method of fast that satisfies the calling they feel and their mother's sensibilities about growing young women's nutrition. The 40 Days For Life campaign is about to be kicked off this Wednesday. What's 40 Days For Life? It's a national program that's been brought to Fort Wayne to help end the murder of innocent babies in our city. It involves prayer and fasting. If you feel called, you can also committ to praying at the abortion clinic in town Inwood DriveFort Wayne, IN 46815 (Off State Street, one (1) block east of Coliseum Blvd.)

Check out the website 40 Days For Life -- it's got LOTS more information!!
What an exciting time to be a follower of Christ -- when we can make such a difference in the battle for lives and souls!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

Mama to Dd#1
...so a cult is a psudo-religion where people follow the rules of the cult like a religion, but it's based on complete lies. A cult and a religion are very different, for example...
Dd#2 over hearing us
WOW!! They must LOVE football!


To name their religion after a football team.
Not C-O-L-T! It's c-u-l-t. They
don't have anything to do with the Colts.
Dd#2 (wisely)

Poor Payton Manning...didn't know what he was joining...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quote of the Day

Mama to Ds#4
Sweetheart, please set the table and put the bread, mustard and bologna on it.

Ds#4, incredulously
WHAT? You bought BOLOGNA?

Mama (not sure what the shock in his voice might be about)

OH, THANK YOU, Mama!! I've been wanting and wanting bologna! THANK YOU!
Wow, I'd keep bologna on hand more often if I thought it would always elicit such an enthusiastic response. That's the best reaction I've had on someone in a long time!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain: Courageous Service

The story is even more interesting and dramatic than this...but this tells much of his POW story. The end was told by him in his acceptance speech -- how he valued the darkness and isolation of solitary confinement because by taking away everything from him, it strengthened what he loved most, his love of country.

John McCain -- interesting facts

Here are many statistics and side articles on things that I had questions about : http://marriage.about.com/od/politics/p/johnmccain.htm

In particular, John McCain's family -- I found this article very interesting : Jennifer Steinhauer, "Bridging 2 marriages, a large, close-knit brood", MSNBC.msn.com, 12/26/2007.

Irreverent Policical Sarah Palin Cartoons

The 'Lions' one is my favorite:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Does a candidate's position on abortion really matter in local elections?

Dave's quote "Does a candidate's position on abortion really matter in local elections? Yes, it does."

County bill may effectively limit abortion (link to JG article)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saint a Day

Saints : A Year in Faith and Art by Rosa Giorgi is such a nice little book. There's a 2-page spread for each saint for each day of the year. The left page is a brief (a few sentences) description about the saint and the right page is work of art of that saint. It doesn't like to stay open by itself, so we're using a heavy key chain with a saint metal on it to hold the pages open.

I looked into buying a tabletop book stand, but they're more expensive than I can justify right now (hint to my honey). This one is definately on my wish list and this one and I even like this one. Instead, Ds#4 used his Kindergarten Wooden Blocks and using the wedge pieces we "built" one --but each time we change the page, we need to rearrage the blocks.

We have candles on either side of the book for what season or feast day color the liturgy would be. The book sits open all day so the kids can reflect (hopefully pray) to the saint that day.

It's so easy and incorporates a spirit of renewed prayer into each day.