Friday, September 14, 2007

Kids "Helping" Accident #547

DD#2 bleached out the recycle bin, put the lid on and said she put the bleach away. 6 hours later I tried to pull a towel out from its spot under the bathroom sink. It was just the outline of a towel with a huge hole in the center. After crouching under the sink, I found she'd put the bleach under there, instead of away in the cabinet above the dryer and laid the bleach on its side. I leaked through a stack of towels that she had to sort through and toss. Then she had to wash out the cabinet to make sure there wasn't bleach soaking into the wood. She was AMAZED that when I had said "be careful with the bleach and PUT IT AWAY" that just putting it in the wrong place and laying it on its side would wreak such destruction....

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