Friday, April 20, 2007

Consipiracy Theory

Icons - Not the cultural kind - the little pictures on my computer that I click on. Ds#4 started it. Last year when he was 3, one Saturday morning while Dave slept in, Ds#4 came to me snickering to himself (holding his hand to his mouth while his head bobbed up in down in delight) telling me that he changed Daddy into a frog.
"You what?"
"I changed Daddy into a FROG!" (huge laughter)
I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. He showed me.
Since we have XP (that we don't like), Dave has a different log-in for his side of the computer than I do. Our sweet little boy was becoming quite computer literate.

Sooooo... when Dave got up that morning, we all pointed and laughed at him walking into the room telling him he was changed into a frog. Ds#4 got great delight from this. Dave asked him to show how it was done - he didn't believe a 3 year old could be a hacker. Dave learned a new way to change icons that morning.

all this is background

...shhh....they're sending me subliminal messages. through my
icons. last week, my internet explorer icon said "daddy day".
yesterday someone tapped into my computer and it says "igf". they're
trying to tell me something...

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