Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Welcome back to fall

As we fall back into sickness - 3 kids have colds, 3 kids had the flu each kid was sick with something and we have 4 kids -- you do the math (it sounds like dd10's critical thinking workbook. Create a table...)

we fall back in time - I REALLLLLLLY dislike daylight savings time - what a waste of logic. None of the reasons given in the newspaper for switching make any sense to kids who have to go to bed during the sunlight of summer or make up for the effort involved in trying to "turn off" a 4 year old's internal clock who has gotten up at 6:30am almost everyday of his life....

Quote of the Day : dd6 to dd4 - "You're a really great worker. The job of taking out the trash would have taken me a long time, but with your help it went really quick. You're my best bud."

we fall into the holidays: This is the exciting news!! I'm so very excited. I get to have Thanksgiving. I had bought our previous house with having big Thanksgivings and inviting just anyone who wanted a place to come...and now a different house later, it's finally happening! I'm so excited! Some family is coming, but not all (I don't think I'll know who until they show up at the door) and lots of friends are on the invitation list! I can hardly wait!! My house cleaning is coming along and I'M CLEANING WITH GLEE!! (can you imagine? that's totally out of character for me). I've been on butterball's website and found how big of a bird I need to get for that many people!! I'm so VERY excited! I hope it's a blessing and a lovely time for everyone!

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